
A enigmatic stylish duo, its' host and manager work on the Omnibus:: OTURTWORKS, in their effort to perserve space-time and fend off fourth-dimensional beings through the power of fiction and the weapon of storytelling.


My heart is dedicated to my creations! I will see to it my ambitions are a reality.


You bet we'll be pushing an idea to its' absolute breaking point.

"What     is     oturtmurr?"

l Auteur

An otomatopiea.

Who     is     oturtmurr?


OTURTMURR is the collaborative effort between Oz, our host and creative director...



How do you do?

My name is Oz, the man responsible for turning ambition into a awe-inspiring wonder.


Otto von Bruno, our miraculous creative attorney.



We’re both dedicated to the craft of taking an idea and pushing it to its breaking point.

Exploring all of its’ possible creative avenues, to create the best, most imaginative high-quality of that product there is.


Myself. P.A.M.A.N.A. a software administration programme known as a P.I.E (personality intelligence entity) and assistance manager of our operation.

Lastly, along with a unamed presence amongst ourselves.

We'll be conducting you into our familiy, in hopes of introducing you to the operation. We hope you enjoy this touching experience.

What     do     you     work     on?


Here is what I ocassionally produce for...


An extended body of work can be found here.

Where     can     I     learn     more     about     the     characters     and     univers e    you     broadcast?



An interactive encylopedia who updates its’ contents based on your progress within a multimedia-interactive project.


This tool allows us to observe the actors and setting sin a universe through the 'Gutterspace'. Think of it as our telescope breaking out into the 4th wall.

l Auteur

In reality, this is a universe-forger. This tool was developed for creators to forge their universes, every aspect of existence--actors, settings, physics, items, entities all in a playground.


Fandom be damned and any worldbuilding application that is not well-rounded.

For this is a solution for the highl-detailed and creative minded, who enjoys consistency, interactivity, interconnectivity.

How     can     I     engage     with     the     fiction     of     the     universes     you     broadcast?


The Multimedia-Interactive system.

It combines several programs into a interactive ecosystem to create a interactive narrative experience which grants the audience the ability to steer how the narrative of a character is delivered.

We broadcast a universes' timestream, "you" the Metaactor, hold the responsibility to guide these Actors to the finish line, for better or for worse.

a Motion Comic Reader
a Immersive Fiction Engine
a Interactive Universe Wiki

Where     can     I     read,     watch,     or     play     this?


The Omnibus Stream.


This is what we call our home.


The Machination of an Imagination.


Engine of the ignenious churning bright sparks of wonder.

What     do     I     gain     from     caring     about     any     of     this?


Well...data gathered by our research team states >>>

The average individual consuming homemade OTURTMURR works' experiences a significant increase of sensitivity in the prefrontal cortex by 33%, a 25% increase in the limbic system and a 10% increase in the central nervous system. It’s true! Sit down, watch & read, experience it for yourself!

These psychoactive responses are not the work of magic--it is the hard work of crafting literature that demands engagement, interaction, and a reward system of gaining knowledge from researched topics laid in simulation & game form.

A live digital reconstruction of your brain signals showing the effects of this experience.


The hard work of my interactive experiences comes from crafting literature that demands engagement, interaction, and a reward system of gaining knowledge.

I reference scnientific articles, consult field experts, and peform my own research and journalism to create generally informative and educational content.

My goal is to combine edutainment and give it a philosophicall, cool-edge and apply that to various artistic mediums.

Comissions & Freelance

Do     you     do     commissions?



...of     Copyrighted     characters?



...of     your     own     Original     Characters     or     Ideas?



...of     my     Original     Characters and Ideas?



What     is     your     goal     with     commissions?


I'm an creators' canvas, an artists' artist, and a writers' watercolors. I study a number of styles and assist with direction, branding, and establishment.

Do     you     do     requests?



Subjects     available     for     comission?

Illustration Animation Graphic Design
Character Character Brand
Potraiture Mascot Advertisement
Landscape Intro Social Media

Derivative & Fan Work

Can     I     make     derivative     content     that     is     inspired     out     of     your     original     creations?



Fan Games Fan Illustration Fan Music Fan Goods Fan Animation Fan Fiction
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
With a clear intent to expand on the original? Contact me. Otherwise, no. Derivative Expansion

Can     I     mint     a     NFT,     generate     AI     content,     or     AI     upscale     to     sell     imagery     out     of     your     original     creations?



Can     I     sell     derivative     content     out     of     your     original     creations?


Perhaps. There are a few rules you should know or respect going into this.

Fan Games Fan Illustration Fan Music Fan Goods Fan Animation Fan Fiction
No. Yes.
Yes. Contact me to clear the samples.Inspired
No. Contact me to license otherwise.ReMix / Cover / ReArrangement
No.Derivative Expansion

Opinions & Thoughts

Your     rules     around     fanwork     are     restrictive.     Your     stunting     my     and     others     peoples'     growth     and     creativity.

l Auteur

Consider growing out of my creative world and creating your own. We can not expect to continue producing new works by looking backwards at nostalgia and fanart.

Wearing our inspirations on our sleeve is commonground, but rarely do we Look to the real world for grounded-inspiration, to mature, and grow new wings.

You     are         underrated.     I like     give     you     more     exposure     by     posting     it     on     (Pinterest,     Twitter,     Instagram)?

l Auteur

Thank you for the thought.

No, I do not wish to have my works posted on Social Media. I have advertising accounts that do just that.

May     I     gatekeep?

l Auteur


Although, if you exhibit behaviours a self-proclaimed elite, be prepared to face ridicule.

I am interested in being as underground, and relatively unknown in the West, western media of pop culture, and known in African, Afro-American . I am not interested in catering to the mainstream, as I want my ideas to be expansive, detailed, and filled with depth.

Do     you     support     X,     Y,     Z?

l Auteur

I am not your poster-boy, I am not your savior.

My artwork exists as it is, and will be as it was.

The actors' & characters' words are theirs, and only ever theirs unless tampered or triffled with.

How     do     you     feel     about     the     Canon?

l Auteur

Literary work, non-fiction and fiction writing, are the freedom of expression through an creative medium.

This is a staple of culture. The representation and imagery of symbols are extremely important.

In two extreme examples, from the American Red Crosses' protected meaning in usage to the eurasian swatiska corrupted and appropriated by totalarist ideoleogues.

The meaning of symbols, imagery, and the ideas attached to them are subject to change based on how a culture, social group interactions, engages or tampers with them.

I categorize most fictional characters as archetypes, they represent a single-minded belief that serve a function in a world to tell a story.

Unless a character is defined by their ethnic background and social class, I would otherwise be seen as one of many experiences given in written form--which can validate a certain truth or experience in the world.

I personally believe Batman and Spiderman could ethnically be anybody--their archetypes, they wear masks or take on cowls. This is not so much the case for character like Black Panther or Static Shock who are intimately tied to their ethnic background.

Usually given a market, its' creators, and the type of audience it targets; the ethnic identity of those characters created will typically reflect their lives or world-view. They are vectors of representation or even caricatures--this can not be understated nor ignored.

While characters like Spongebob or Sonic do not hold an extreme cultural importance to how the world ultimately functions--they have limits to what they can seriously reflect in their worlds, given their art style and presentation--they are not human--and are limited at that expression.

A fictional character written with themes that tie to their social class, potrayal of character or challenges in ethnic background cannot be divorced from them.

This aspect of a character, has depth, and cannot be for some people; as they may relate to that experience depicted in written or visual form.

A Canon, and its' level of depth, depdening on its importance and sensitivity to certain themes will illicit a response from people.

Engaging with art and consuming it, is an agreement to acknowledge and listen to that critical analysis.

A mindset who tends to be "unopininated", or show "noncomittal" behavior, a "indifferent" attitude towards these concepts underlines a lack of creativity, open-mindedness or understanding of the world around them when engaging with art.

There's     a     depication     of     a     relationship     that     is     not     true     to     'the     Canon'.

l Auteur

Do not get hung-up on it. You're livelihood is likely not threatened by it. It is inspired and fanwork. It only ever is that and stays inspired by that thought. Ignore it, block it, move on, and promote artwork you do support and makes you happy.

A     character     is     being     depicted     in     a     "nasty"     and     unappealing     manner!

l Auteur

It falls upon the Creator to deliver a succesful potrayal of the character, based on their beliefs and development. If the creator is respected or holds a strong passion for the direction of his work, then there is nothing to worry about.

An imitation, caricature, slander, inversion, rewritting, or alternative take does rarely overwrites the original--there will be many interations or adaptions of a fictional character--but the oriign always exists as the centre point of the Canon.

How     do     you     feel     about     fandom?

l Auteur

I am interested in a idyllic goal of community that can come together around a arrangement of themes and ideas and promote social work or activism around it. To impact and benefit other social groups for a beneficial cause.

I consider fandoms cults. The word "fan" is a metalepsis, it descends from "fanatic". I am not interested in circle-jerks, self-deprecating or obssessive culture, or interpersonal conflict between micro-groups.

I have negative reservations towards the mindset that allows typical minor or teenager who believe they are entitled to "whatever" they may think they have a stake in within a fandom. Or the mindset of an adult who shares or peforms backwards actions who ultimately beenfits nobody in a group. Complaining, drama, culture-war, slander. Leave this lifestyle at the door when it comes to community--keep it in the culture that is web fandom.

I believe fandom is a somewhat infantilized, immature vesion of a club. I can not underestimate the power of creation it can give, but I will continue to avoid and often not recommend the often negative behaviours or mindsets they promote or attract.