A Unisid & Its Parts

Visualform Meta

Date Started:: 2019-10-4

Date Finished:: 2019-10-5

Work Time:: 30+ hrs

Work Days:: 2

Work Subject:: Original Character

Work Type:: Diagram & Schematic

Work Chars::

[“Cuivrea”, “Neosidusan”]

Work Inspirations::

  • Periodic Table of Elements
  • Methane Ice Lakes

Work Influences::

  • Super Mario Odyssey (Texture Work, Typography[Header, Dialogue Box])
  • Paper Mario (GUI Design)

Work Project::

  • Laniakea::Kinohi
  • Ethergaiasea

Visualform Annotation

  • The name Amberleine, was great at the time of writing the story [cir. 2019]. Nowadays [cir. 2024], the denomination:: Cu (Copper) I (Iodine) V (Vanadium) Re (Rhenium) a (alpha), is her official name.
  • METHANE ICE HAIR:: I thought was a great functional design to the character. I especially liked how I textured scratches, density, and showed transparency here.
  • IMPERFECTIONS:: This was accidental, stray linemarks had made it look like subtle cracks trickled across her face. I feel like this could extend to facial phenotypical features unique to Neosidusans.
  • GLASSES:: Doubling as a palette choice, patina on the glasses was a way to separate what originally were red glasses, from her copper skin.
  • DRESS:: The textures on this dress are to highlight a carbon fiber pattern. At the time, I imagined if Neosidusans were to bridge the expanse of Space or feel the oppressive vacuum of Space--carbon fiber would be a suitable choice to protect against `(Cold Welding)[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_welding]`


A diagram that I made to explain and visualize a idea easier. A Unisid is a consciousness of a star, given a form that operates on land, under the ocean, and through space.

Addendum…July 28” 2024

The design, potrayal, and characterization of “Cuivrea Triton” has since developed. The name “Amberleine” has since been dropped in favor of a novel naming system for the Neosidusan species.

The term “Star” used above refers to the species “Neosidusan”. At the time, I had no specific name or concept to refer to, and used “a Star” as a catchall for this type of extraterrestrial character.

A “Unisidae” or Unisid, is a genus, who holds the species of “Neosidusan”.

Additionally, the composition of a Neosidusan is significantly more complex since this diagrams’ first presentation.